About Us
志同道合的旅行 / Squad Goal Journey
Wupi Technology is committed to providing simple and practical products from diverse mobile phone mounts to various charging solutions for battery life. Ever since establishment, we have developed diversified products and kept updating them. Feedback from customers and motorcycle enthusiasts is welcomed.
We will continue to thrive. Thank you!
2024-02-06 启用新域名(www.osonice.com)做为官方网址!
On February 6th, 2024, a new domain name (www.osonice.com) will be enabled as the official website!
只显示部份商标证书/Show only partial trademark certificates
关于一些常见的问答/About some common Q&A questions
Both mwupp and osopro are registered trademarks. We have many different trademarks, including graphic, Chinese characters and English!
Product support 1 year warranty! Within 7 days after purchase, if you are not satisfied with the product, you can enjoy return or replacement service!
您可以在我们的授权实体经销商店铺购买,或在授权的淘宝店等线上平台购买! 如:https://shop68238440.taobao.com/
You can purchase it at our Authorized Entity Reseller Store or on an online platform such as an authorized Taobao store!
For example:https://shop68238440.taobao.com/
关于用户的一些统计信息/Some statistics about the user!
数据来源于MWUPP历史销售报表/Data from MWUPP historical sales report!
数据因季节和地区而异,以下是平均值!/The data varies from season to season and from region to region. Below is the average!